You might find answers to important questions that you might have in connection with our school and your German classes below.


  1. How about the grouping/assessment? How can I do a German test?

If you live in Graz :
Just call in at our office during office hours. It is always better if we can also speak to you and listen to you in person. That way, we can give you the best possible advice for your German courses.
If you don’t live in Graz:
Please do the online test available on our website.

As general rule: We can’t reserve any German courses in Vienna for you until you have done a test-unless you are a complete beginner.

  1. What is a reservation? When do I have to pay my German course?

Like in a restaurant we reserve a place for you until a certain date. Until that date you can pay for your course whenever you want. After that date, we cannot guarantee that the place in the course will still be available to you.

If you are in another country, you are also welcome to transfer the money for your German courses. In this case it is most important that we receive documentation of the transfer by email. As soon as the money arrives in our account, we will make a firm booking for your German courses in Graz.

Please specify intended use! (participant`s name, course)

After the deadline your booking will be canceled automatically.

Here the bank details::

  • Deutsch im Trend e.U.
  • Bank: BAWAG P.S.K
  • IBAN: AT42 1400 0001 1043 8370
  1. Can I pay the German course at the first day of class?

You will need  to pay your course fee by the reservation date given to you, in order for us to ensure your attendance and plan courses accordingly. Unfortunately, there are no exceptions.

  1. How long do I need to complete an entire level?

The classification of levels corresponds to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR). A sub-stage in the intensive day courses lasts 4 weeks (60 units) in the evening classes 5 weeks with 40 units per course.

Intensive Course: 60 units / substage

Evening Course: 40 units / substage

Your teacher will give you a  helping hand when it comes to progress, etc.

  1. Can I change the time of my German course?

If you decide for one time frame for the course, you will normally stay in that class. If there are free places left at another time, you’ll might be able to switch the class.

  1. Is it possible to only participate 1, 2 or 3 weeks in a German course? Can I start in the middle of the course?

Our German courses run for 4 weeks. If you don’t have 4 weeks to take part, we put you on the waiting list and will decide in the second week of the course if you can join the German course. If we have places left in the second course week, you are very welcome to participate with a reduced course fee.

  1. What happens if I can’t come to German class anymore?

In that case, there is no possibility to get a refund. a ybe have the opportunity to continue the course you paid for later on in another month. However, we will decide on that only within the second week of the course of the desired month. If there are places left at that time, you can participate in the German course.

  1. Can I pay by Visa?

No. For our bank details see 2.

  1. Can I split the four weeks into several different months?

No, unfortunately not. In order to follow the class as best as possible, you should finish one level within one month

  1. Where can I buy the book?

Alle Lernunterlagen für Kurse bei Deutsch m Trend sind bereits im Kurspreis inkludiert. Sie erhalten diese am ersten Kurstag.

  1. Can I get a registration confirmation for a period for over 3 months or more?

Yes, we can give you a registration confirmation for over 3 months or more. Therefor we ask you to register officially at our German language school and pay the complete fee of the first month in advance. For the following months, we will reserve a place in the appropriate courses for you.

  1. Will there be an exam at the end of the German course?

In general, you can book the follow-up course without any exam, but Deutsch im Trend offers the official ÖSD-Deutsch A1,A2, B2, C1 and C2 exam in Graz.

  1. Which book do we use in the German course?

We work with different books. PLUSPUNKT, for example is used in our intensive classes whereas we work with MOTIVE in our evening program. All books used are modern, well structured books. Our students are very happy with them. You can get the book on the first day of your course.

14. Admission Letter

We offer registration confirmations for our German language courses. We don’t offer the so-called “conditional admission letters from Austrian universities”. Other language schools will help you with that.

  1. Who is my teacher?

All of our teachers are German native speakers and fully qualified. The decision on which teacher will take on a certain course will be made 2 days before the actual course start. Please be aware that we cannot always guarantee that you will keep your current teacher for the follow-up course.

Other questions?

– Get in touch via: office@deutsch-im-trend.com !

Alle Prüfungstermine

Onlineübungen A1 bis C2